Welcome to 1st Goring Heath Scout And Guide Group!
With over 100 young people and 15 leaders we are a thriving Scout and Guide group. We are very fortunate to be based in a purpose built headquarters (HQ) dating from before 1930 with a beautiful site, ideal for outdoor activities.
The current group was formed in 1929 with just one Cub pack, with a scout group being formed 6 months later. Now we have a Beaver Colony, a Cub Pack, a Scout Troop for boys and girls and a Brownie Group and a Guide Group belonging to the Girl Guide Association. Our leaders provide a wide variety of indoor and outdoor activities to help young people develop their full potential.
Our group has a very rich history as one of the oldest groups in the area. Before 1929 our scout group was a satellite group to Goring Scout group. Then in 1929, Goring Scout Group deemed it fit for independence, so its name changed from 2nd Goring (Goring Heath) to 1st Goring Heath. You can find more of the groups history on the group history page here.